If you aren’t looking at what your competition is doing on social media, you’re missing out! Your competition can be a great way to inspire what you do and don’t do on social media. We are not telling you to steal ideas from your competition, we are saying to take inspiration from them. Pick two to three of your biggest competitors and scroll through their social media.
Here’s some things to keep in mind as you scroll through your competitor’s feed.
Look at the numbers. How many followers do they have? How much engagement (likes, shares, comments) are they getting on their posts? If their likes to followers ratio on a post is higher, then they are doing something right. If they have 2,000 followers, but only 2 likes on a post, then something isn’t right.
What are they doing right? Look at posts with higher engagement to figure out what people may like about a post. What do those posts have in common? Are pictures doing better than graphics? How are their videos and reels doing in views and engagement?
What could they be doing better? Take a look at the lower performing posts. What do those have in common? Are they leaving comments from customers unanswered?
Once you’ve researched your competition, come up with a plan and implement it. If you need help with social media management, give us a call!